Mamaki (pipturus albidus) is a distant relative of the nettle and is endemic to Hawaii. Mamaki is a significant resource in Hawaiian healing and culture. Medicinally, mamaki leaves contain 3 powerful antioxidants which have shown to increase immunity and energy, prevent cellular damage, support respiratory and heart health as well as regulate blood pressure and blood sugar. Mamaki also possesses anti-microbial and antiviral properties. The leaves from the plant are dried to either brew in tea form or infused into a tincture. According to a study conducted at the University Hawaii at Manoa, mamaki leaves contain higher levels of calcium than other commercial teas. In addition to its medicinal value, mamaki is the predominant native plant to attract the only 2 species of rare native Hawaiian butterflies, Pulelehua Kamehameha and Koa or Blackburn. Culturally, Hawaiians utilized the entire mamaki plant for medicine, roots to make dyes and even its bark for kapa (clothing).




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